Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Fallen Petal - by Arakida Moritake

A fallen petal
Rises to the branch:
Ah, a butterfly!

by Arakida Moritake

Passage excerpted from here


  1. Thanks so much Paul, I cannot tell you how wonderfully serendipidus your post has been to me. Earlier today I attended a marvelous lecture on how Eastern and Western Art have come to affect each other. During the lecture, given by a young professor at Pierce College in the San Fernando Valley - part of greater LA, John Paul Thornton presented a slide with the Fallen Petal inscribed upon it. I thought it to be one of the most beautiful statements I have ever experienced - I am 82. Paul, thanks so much again. Bill Majors

  2. PS: Paul, I had lost the poet's name. Your post found it for me. Bill
